New village school in isolated village

Here is a video Lee just put together after we got them out of Zotadi for a little time with their families over Christmas 2018. They will return in early Jan 2019. This will just give you a little idea of this new village school the girls started in this village—a village we have hardly been able to impact up till now. Lee taught the two girls a crash course on spiritual formation and teaching skills for about two full months and prepared them for this assignment. The girls team spearheaded getting the airstrip laudable again, taught 50 kids Biblical and academically and did medical work too!!! They even carried heavy timber from the jungle to complete a fence around the strip to keep pigs out. The community just raved about them and said how much they loved them when Amy and I just visited them on this trip. They are still teaching out in the open, so we met with the community to get people focused on getting some material from the jungle and trying to throw up a make shift hut with 3 classrooms. Be encouraged!


MZS Trip to Pogapa


Volunteers on a Building Mission in Pogapa