Village Heartbeat exists to help meet the social, educational, health, and spiritual needs of the remote communities throughout the Intan Jaya region in Papua, Republik Indonesia.
West Papua, Indonesia’s most eastern province, is home to hundreds of distinct ethnic groups. It is often regarded as one of the world’s last great frontiers.
Village Heartbeat is dedicated to helping remote tribal communities in Papua restore and maintain their spiritual and social heartbeat. It has the goal of strengthening these indigenous communities through identifying and training leaders who are dedicated to their communities, who feel a personal responsibility to their people, and who will have the capacity and integrity to work together with interested partners or donors, thereby guaranteeing their community’s survival in this ever-changing world.
Discover The Moni Way
In The Moni Way, John Cutts, along with his friends John, George, and Donald, share a heartfelt account of the Moni people of Papua. Through a blend of stunning photography and poignant storytelling, they illuminate the challenges, resilience, and rich cultural heritage of the Moni, while advocating for their future.